
Excerpts from the readme: pyLabSpec contaings "a number of python-based libraries allowing the control of laboratory instruments and spectral analysis/visualization", providing "a self-sufficient toolkit for efficient molecular spectroscopy."

Usage: the compressed archive contains a heirarchy of directories containing submodules serving as either interfaces, communication sockets, or analysis tools. Many of the GUIs can be executed directly, but most of the modules simply help the GUIs or custom in-house. The package itself may also be installed directly. Please see the readme file for more information.

License: the GNU General Public License version 3.. take it, and share back if you improve it.

Python source: download here

Windows installer (QtFit only, incl. python + libs): download here


Checking CO lines vs Air transmission:

Quick baseline removal and then line profile fitting (including baseline):

QtFit (main tab):

QtFit (baseline removal tab):


Custom plot designer/printer:

Instrument control (main tab):

Instrument control (SW-Trigger viewer):